mscharhag, Programming and Stuff;

A blog about programming and software development topics, mostly focused on Java technologies including Java EE, Spring and Grails.

  • Monday, 2 November, 2020

    Improving Spring Mock-MVC tests

    Spring Mock-MVC can be a great way to test Spring Boot REST APIs. Mock-MVC allows us to test Spring-MVC request handling without running a real server.

    I used Mock-MVC tests in various projects and in my experience they often become quite verbose. This doesn't have to be bad. However, it often results in copy/pasting code snippets around in test classes. In this post we will look at a couple of ways to clean up Spring Mock-MVC tests.

    Decide what to test with Mock-MVC

    The first question we need to ask is what we want to test with Mock-MVC. Some example test scenarios are:

    • Testing only the web layer and mocking all controller dependencies.
    • Testing the web layer with domain logic and mocked third party dependencies like Databases or message queues.
    • Testing the complete path from web to database by replacing third party dependencies with embedded alternatives if possible (e.g. H2 or embedded-Kafka)

    All these scenarios have their own up- and downsides. However, I think there are two simple rules we should follow:

    • Test as much in standard JUnit tests (without Spring) as possible. This improves test performance a lot and makes tests often easier to write.
    • Pick the scenario(s) you want to test with Spring and be consistent in the dependencies you mock. This makes tests easier to understand and can speed them up as well. When running many different test configurations, Spring often has to re-initialize the application context which slows tests down.

    When using standard JUnit tests as much as possible the last scenario mentioned above is often a good fit. After we tested all logic with fast unit tests, we can use a few Mock-MVC tests to verify that all pieces work together, from controller to database.

    Cleaning up test configuration using custom annotations

    Spring allows us to compose multiple Spring annotations to a single custom annotation.

    For example, we can create a custom @MockMvcTest annotation:

    @TestPropertySource(locations = "")
    @AutoConfigureMockMvc(secure = false)
    public @interface MockMvcTest {}

    Our test now only needs a single annotation:

    public class MyTest {

    This way we can clean up tests from various annotations. This is also useful to standardize Spring configuration for our test scenarios.

    Improving Mock-MVC requests

    Let's look at the following example Mock-MVC request and see how we can improve it:

            .content("{\"name\": \"Cool Gadget\", \"description\": \"Looks cool\"}")
            .header("Authorization", getBasicAuthHeader("John", "secr3t")))

    This sends a PUT request with some JSON data and an Authorization header to /products/42.

    The first thing that catches someone's eye is the JSON snippet within a Java string. This is obviously a problem as the double quote escaping required by Java strings makes it barely readable.

    Typically we should use an object that is then converted to JSON. Before we look into this approach, it is worth to mention Text blocks. Java Text blocks have been introduced in JDK 13 / 14 as preview feature. Text blocks are strings that span over multiple lines and require no double quote escaping.

    With text block we can format inline JSON in a prettier way. For example:

                    "name": "Cool Gadget",
                    "description": "Looks cool"
            .header("Authorization", getBasicAuthHeader("John", "secr3t")))

    In certain situations this can be useful.

    However, we should still prefer objects that are converted to JSON instead of manually writing and maintaining JSON strings.

    For example:

    Product product = new Product("Cool Gadget", "Looks cool");
            .header("Authorization", getBasicAuthHeader("John", "secr3t")))

    Here we create a product object and convert it to JSON with a small objectToJson(..) helper method. This helps a bit. Nevertheless, we can do better.

    Our request contains a lot of elements that can be grouped together. When building a JSON REST-API it is likely that we often have to send similar PUT request. Therefore, we create a small static shortcut method:

    public static MockHttpServletRequestBuilder putJson(String uri, Object body) {
        try {
            String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body);
            return put(uri)
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    This method converts the body parameter to JSON using a Jackson ObjectMapper. It then creates a PUT request and sets Accept and Content-Type headers.

    This reusable method simplifies our test request a lot:

    Product product = new Product("Cool Gadget", "Looks cool");
    mvc.perform(putJson("/products/42", product)
            .header("Authorization", getBasicAuthHeader("John", "secr3t")))

    The nice thing here is that we do not lose flexibility. Our putJson(..) method returns a MockHttpServletRequestBuilder. This allows us to add additional request properties within tests if required (like the Authorization header in this example).

    Authentication headers are another topic we often have to deal with when writing Spring Mock-MVC tests. However, we should not add authentication headers to our previous putJson(..) method. Even if all PUT requests require authentication we stay more flexible if we deal with authentication in a different way.

    RequestPostProcessors can help us with this. As the name suggests, RequestPostProcessors can be used to process the request. We can use this to add custom headers or other information to the request.

    For example:

    public static RequestPostProcessor authentication() {
        return request -> {
            request.addHeader("Authorization", getBasicAuthHeader("John", "secr3t"));
            return request;

    The authentication() method returns a RequestPostProcessor which adds Basic-Authentication to the request. We can apply this RequestPostProcessor in our test using the with(..) method:

    Product product = new Product("Cool Gadget", "Looks cool");
    mvc.perform(putJson("/products/42", product).with(authentication()))

    This does not only simplify our test request. If we change the request header format we now only need to modify a single method to fix the tests. Additionally putJson(url, data).with(authentication()) is also quite expressive to read.

    Improving response verification

    Now let's see how we can improve response verification.

    We start with the following example:

            .andExpect(header().string("Cache-Control", "no-cache"))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.name").value("Cool Gadget"))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.description").value("Looks cool"));

    Here we check the HTTP status code, make sure the Cache-Control header is set to no-cache and use JSON-Path expressions to verify the response payload.

    The Cache-Control header looks like something we probably need to check for multiple responses. In this case, it can be a good idea to come up with a small shortcut method:

    public ResultMatcher noCacheHeader() {
        return header().string("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

    We can now apply the check by passing noCacheHeader() to andExpect(..):

            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.name").value("Cool Gadget"))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.description").value("Looks cool"));

    The same approach can be used to verify the response body.

    For example we can create a small product(..) method that compares the response JSON with a given Product object:

    public static ResultMatcher product(String prefix, Product product) {
        return ResultMatcher.matchAll(
                jsonPath(prefix + ".name").value(product.getName()),
                jsonPath(prefix + ".description").value(product.getDescription())

    Our test now looks like this:

    Product product = new Product("Cool Gadget", "Looks cool");
            .andExpect(product("$", product));

    Note that the prefix parameter gives us flexibility. The object we want to check might not always be located at the JSON root level of the response.

    Assume a request might return a collection of products. We can then use the prefix parameter to select each product in the collection. For example:

    Product product0 = ..
    Product product1 = ..
            .andExpect(product("$[0]", product0))
            .andExpect(product("$[1]", product1));

    With ResultMatcher methods you avoid scattering the exact response data structure over many tests. This again supports refactorings.


    We looked into a few ways to reduce verbosity in Spring Mock-MVC tests. Before we even start writing Mock-MVC tests we should decide what we want to test and what parts of the application should be replaced with mocks. Often it is a good idea to test as much as possible with standard unit tests (without Spring and Mock-MVC).

    We can use custom test annotations to standardize our Spring Mock-MVC test setup. With small shortcut methods and RequestPostProcessors we can move reusable request code out of test methods. Custom ResultMatchers can be used to improve response checks.

    You can find the example code on GitHub.

  • Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

    REST: Updating resources

    When building RESTful APIs over HTTP the PUT method is typically used for updating, while POST is used for creating resources. However, create and update operations do not perfectly align with the HTTP verbs PUT and POST. In certain situations PUT can also be used for resource creation. See my post about the differences between POST, PUT and PATCH for more details.

    Within the next sections we will look at updating resources with PUT.

    Note that this post does not cover partial updates (e.g. updating only a single field) which can be done with HTTP PATCH. This topic will be covered in a separate future blog post.

    Updating resource with HTTP PUT

    HTTP PUT replaces the resource at the request URI with the given values. This means the request body has to contain all available values, even if we only want to update a single field.

    Assume we want to update the product with ID 345. An example request might look like this:

    PUT /products/345
    Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "Cool Gadget",
        "description": "Looks cool",
        "price": "24.99 USD"

    Responses to HTTP PUT update operations

    You can find various discussions about the question if an update via HTTP PUT should return the updated response.

    There is no single true here. If you think it is useful to return the updated resource in your situation: do it. Just make sure to be consistent for all update operations in your API.

    The server responds to HTTP PUT requests usually with one of the following HTTP status codes:

    • HTTP 200 (Ok): The request has been processes successfully and the response contains the updated resource.
    • HTTP 204 (No content): The request has been processed successfully. The updated resource is not part of the response.
    • HTTP 400 (Bad request): The operation failed due to invalid request parameters (e.g. missing or invalid values in the request body).

    Note that responses to HTTP PUT are not cacheable (See the last paragraph of RFC 7231 4.3.4).

    Replacing resources in real-life

    As mentioned earlier HTTP PUT replaces the resource at a given URI. In real-life this can lead to various discussions because resources are often not really replaced.

    Assume we send an GET request to the previously used product resource. The response payload might look like this:

    GET /products/345
        "id": 345,
        "name": "Cool Gadget",
        "description": "Looks cool",
        "price": "24.99 USD",
        "lastUpdated": "2020-10-17T09:31:17",
        "creationDate": "2029-12-21T07:14:31",
        "_links": [
            { "rel": "self", "href": "/products/345"},

    Besides name, description and price we get the product ID, creation and update dates and a hypermedia _links element.

    id and creationDate are set by the server when the resource is created. lastUpdated is set whenever the resource is updated. Resource links are built by the server based on the current resource state.

    In practice there is no reason why an update request needs to contain those fields. They are either ignored by the server or can only lead to HTTP 400 responses if the client sends unexpected values.

    One point can be made here about lastUpdated. It would be possible to use this field to detect concurrent modification on the server. In this case, clients send the lastUpdated field they retrieved via a previous GET request back to the server. On an update request the server can now compare the lastUpdated value from the request with the one stored on the server. If the server state is newer, the server responds with HTTP 409 (Conflict) to notify the client that the resource has been changed since the last GET request.

    However, the same can be accomplished using the HTTP ETag header in a more standardized way.

    Now it can be discussed if we really replace the resource if we do not send certain fields with the PUT request.

    I recommend being pragmatic and only require the fields that can be modified by the client. Other fields can be skipped. However, the server should not deny the request if other fields are sent. Those fields should just be ignored. This gives the client the option to retrieve the resource via a GET request, modify it and send it back to the server.

    HTTP PUT and idempotency

    The PUT method is idempotent. This means that multiple identical PUT requests must result in the same outcome. Typically no extra measures are required to achieve this as update behavior is usually idempotent.

    However, if we look at the previous example GET request, there is again something that can be discussed:

    Does the lastUpdated field break idempotency for update requests?

    There are (at least) two valid ways to implement a lastUpdated field on the server:

    • lastUpdated changes whenever the resource state changes. In this case we have no idempotency-issue. If multiple identical PUT requests are sent, only the first one changes the lastUpdated field.
    • lastUpdated changes with every update request even if the resource state does not change. Here lastUpdated tells us how up-to-date the resource state is (and not when it changed the last time). Sending multiple identical update requests results in a changing lastUpdated field for every request.

    I would argue that even the second implementation is not a real problem for idempotency.    

    The HTTP RFC says:

    Like the definition of safe, the idempotent property only applies to what has been requested by the user; a server is free to log each request separately, retain a revision control history, or implement other non-idempotent side effects for each idempotent request.

    A changing lastUpdated field can be seen as a non-idempotent side effect. It has not been actively requested by the user and is completely managed by the server.

  • Thursday, 15 October, 2020

    Spring Security: Delegating authorization checks to bean methods

    In this post we will learn how authorization checks can be delegated to bean methods with Spring Security. We will also learn why this can be very useful in many situations and how it improves testability of our application. Before we start, we will quickly look over common Spring Security authorization methods.

    Spring Security and authorization

    Spring Security provides multiple ways to deal with authorization. Some of them are based on user roles, others are based on more flexible expressions or custom beans. I don't want to go into details here, many articles are already available on this topic. Just to give you a quick overview, here are a few commented examples of common ways to define access rules with Spring Security:

    Restricting URL access via a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter:

    public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                // restrict url access based on roles
                // restrict url access based on expression
                    .access("principal.username == #username");            

    Using annotations to restrict access to methods:

    public class SomeService {
        // Using Springs @Secured annotation for role checks
        public void doAdminStuff() { }
        // Using JSR 250 RolesAllowed annotation for role checks
        public void doOtherAdminStuff() { }
        // Using Springs @PreAuthorize annotation with an expression 
        @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasIpAddress('')")
        public void doMoreAdminStuff() { }
        // Using an expression to delegate to a PermissionEvaluator bean
        @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#stuff, 'write')")
        public void doStuff(Stuff stuff) { }

    What to use when?

    If roles are the only thing you need, it is easy. You just need to decide if you prefer defining the required roles based on URLs or based on methods in your Java code. If you prefer the later, just pick one annotation and use it consistently.

    In case you need some ACL-like security (e.g. User x has permission y on object z) using @PreAuthorize with hasPermission(..) and a custom PermissionEvaluator is often a good choice. Also, have a look at the Spring Security ACL support.

    However, there is a huge field between both approaches where roles are not enough but ACLs might be too fine grained or just the wrong tool. Here are a few example authorization rules that do not fit well into both solutions:

    Access to a resource should only be given ..

    • .. to the owner of the resource (e.g. a user can only change his own profile)
    • .. to users with role x from department y
    • .. during standard business times
    • .. to administrators who signed in using two-factor authentication
    • .. to users who connect from specific IP addresses

    All those examples can probably be solved by building a security expression and passing it to @PreAuthorize. However, in practice it is often not that simple.

    Let us look at the last example (the ip address check). The previously shown code snippet contains a @PreAuthorize example that does exactly this:

    @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasIpAddress('')")

    This looks nice as an example and shows what you can do with security expressions. However, now consider:

    • You possibly need to define more than one IP range. So, you have to combine multiple hasIpAddress(..) checks.
    • You probably do not want to hard-code IP addresses in your code. Instead they should be resolved from configuration properties.
    • It is likely that you need the same access check in different parts of your code. You probably do not want it to duplicate it over and over.

    In other cases you might need to do a database look-up or call another external system to decide if a user is allowed to access a resource.

    Simple expressions are fine. However, if they get larger and are scattered all over a code base they can become painful to maintain.

    Side note: Spring Security implements method security by proxying the target bean. Security checks are then added via the proxy. If you don't know about proxies, you should probably read my post about the Proxy pattern.

    Delegating access decisions to beans

    Within security expressions we can reference beans using the @beanname syntax. This feature can help us to implement the previously described authentication rules.

    Let's look at an example:

    public class ProjectService {
        public void updateProjectName(int id, String newName) {
        public void deleteProject(int id) {

    Here we define a ProjectService class with two methods, both annotated with @PreAuthorize. Within the security expression we delegate the access check to methods of a bean named projectAccess. Relevant method parameters (here id) are passed to projectAccess methods.

    projectAccess looks like this:

    public class ProjectAccessHandler {
        private final ProjectRepository projectRepository;
        private final AuthenticatedUserService authenticatedUserService;
        public ProjectAccessHandler(ProjectRepository repo, AuthenticatedUserService aus) {
            this.projectRepository = repo;
            this.authenticatedUserService = aus;
        public boolean canUpdateProjectName(int id) {
            return isProjectOwner(id);
        public boolean canDeleteProject(int id) {
            return isProjectOwner(id);
        private boolean isProjectOwner(int id) {
            User user = authenticatedUserService.getAuthenticatedUser();
            Project project = projectRepository.findById(id);
            return (project.getOwner().equals(user.getUsername()));

    It is a simple bean with two public methods that are called via security expressions. In both cases only the owner of the project is allowed to perform the operation. To determine the project owner we first have to look-up the related project by using a ProjectRepository bean.

    The injected AuthenticatedUserService is a simple facade around Spring Security's SecurityContextHolder:

    public class AuthenticatedUserService {
        public User getAuthenticatedUser() {
            Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
            return (User) authentication.getPrincipal();

    This cleans up our code a little bit because it removes Spring Security internals (and the type cast) from our access control logic. It also becomes helpful when writing unit tests. This way we do not have to deal with static method calls during tests.

    Note we use the standard Spring Security User class for simplicity in this example. Often it is a good idea to create your own customized class as principal. However, this is something for another blog post.

    Testing access rules

    Another important benefit of this approach is that we can test access rules in simple unit tests. No Spring application context is required to evaluate @PreAuthorize expressions. This speeds up tests a lot.

    A simple test for canUpdateProjectName(..) might look like this:

    public class ProjectAccessHandlerTest {
        private ProjectRepository repository = mock(ProjectRepository.class);
        private AuthenticatedUserService service = mock(AuthenticatedUserService.class);
        private ProjectAccessHandler accessHandler = new ProjectAccessHandler(repository, service);
        private User john = new User("John", "password", Collections.emptyList());
        public void canUpdateProjectName_isOwner() {
            Project project = new Project(1, "John", "John's project");
        public void canUpdateProjectName_isNotOwner() {
            Project project = new Project(1, "Anna", "Anna's project");


    Many authorization requirements cannot be solved by using roles alone and ACLs often do not fit. In those situation it can be a viable solution to create separate beans for handling access checks. With @PreAuthorize we can delegate the authorization check to those beans. This also simplifies writing tests as we do not have to create a Spring application context to test authorization constraints.

    You can find the shown example code on GitHub.

  • Wednesday, 7 October, 2020

    REST: Working with asynchronous operations

    Sometimes a REST API operation might take a considerable amount of time to complete. Instead of letting the client wait until the operation completes we can return an immediate response and process the request asynchronously. In the following sections we will see how this can be achieved.

    Pointing to a status resource

    When processing a request asynchronously we should provide a way for the client to get the current processing status. This can be done by introducing a separate status resource. The client can then request this resource in regular intervals until the operation has been completed.

    As an example we will use the creation of a product which might take some time to complete.

    We start the creation process by issuing this request:

    POST /products
        "name": "Cool Gadget",


    HTTP/1.1 202 (Accepted)
    Location /products/queue/1234

    For standard creation requests the server would respond with HTTP 201 and a Location header pointing to the newly created product (See REST Resource creation).

    However, in this example, the server responds with HTTP 202 (Accepted). This status code indicates that the request has been accepted but not yet processed. The Location header points to a resource that describes the current processing status.

    Clients can obtain the status by sending a GET request to this URI:

    GET /products/queue/1234


    HTTP/1.1 200 (OK)
        "status": "waiting",
        "issuedAt": "2020-10-03T09:34:24",
        "request": {
            "name": "Cool Gadget",
        "links": [{ 
            "rel": "cancel", 
            "method": "delete", 
            "href": "/products/queue/1234"

    In this example the response contains a status field, an issue date and the request data. Clients can now poll this resource at regular intervals to see if the status changes.

    You might also want to provide a way to cancel the operation. This can be done by sending a DELETE request to the status resource:

    DELETE /products/queue/1234

    If you are using Hypermedia controls in your REST responses you should provide a link to this operation in your response (as shown in the example).

    In case you can estimate the time the operation needs you can add a Retry-After HTTP header to the response. This tells the client how long it should wait until sending the follow-up request.

    What to do when the operation has been completed?

    When the requested operation has been completed we should communicate this through the status resource. If possible the status resource should provide links to processed or newly created resources.

    Assume the product from our previous example has been created. If the client now requests the status resource the response looks different:

    GET /products/queue/1234


    HTTP/1.1 303 (See other)
    Location: /products/321

    After the product has been created, the queue element is no longer available. This is indicated by HTTP 303 (See other). The response also contains a Location header that points to the newly created product resource.

    However, sending HTTP 303 with a Location header might not always be possible. Assume we have an asynchronous operation that imports multiple products. The result of this operation is not a single resource we can point to.

    In this case we should keep the status resource for at least some time. A response might look like this:

        "status": "completed",
        "took": "PT5M23S"    
        "imported": [
                "name": "Cool Gadget",
                "links": [{
                    "rel": "self", "href": "/products/345"
            }, {
                "name": "Nice Gadget",
                "links": [{
                    "rel": "self", "href": "/products/346"

    The status field indicates that the operation has been completed. The took field contains the processing time as ISO 8601 duration.

    If suitable we can provide links to related resources as part of the response.

    Callback URLs

    Sometimes it can be a viable option to support callbacks. This lets the client submit an url with the request data. When the operation is finished the server sends a request to this url to inform the client. Usually this is a POST request with some status information.

    The initial request issued by the client might look like this:

    POST /products
        "name": "Cool Gadget",
        "_callbackUrl": ""

    Here we provide a callback url to the server using the _callbackUrl field. In JSON leading underscore are sometimes used for additional meta properties. Of course you can adapt this to your own style if you don't like this syntax.

    As in the previous example the server responds with HTTP 202 and a status resource:

    202 Accepted
    Location /products/queue/1234

    When the operation is finished the server updates the status resource and sends a POST request to the provided URL:

        "status": "completed",
        "took": "PT14M22S",
        "links": [{ 
            "rel": "product", 
            "href": "/products/321"

    This tells the client that the product has been imported successfully.

    The problems with callback URLs

    Callback handling can increase the complexity on the server side significantly. What happens if a client does not respond on the provided url? How often should it be retried? The server needs to handle all these things.

    Authentication can be a problem. If the client and the server are not running in a trusted network the client needs a way to authenticate requests from the server. Otherwise, any untrusted third party would be able to POST data to the callback endpoint. This means the server needs to know its clients because they need to exchange some authentication information before the actual request. The server has to store this information securely for each client.

    Callback requests can also be hard to test and debug for developers. Often it is not possible to receive callback requests on a local development machine. This is typically blocked by network policies for security reasons.


    Longer running asynchronous processes can be modeled with REST-APIs. The server tells the client that the request is handled asynchronously by sending a HTTP 202 status code. A Location header is used to point to a resource that gives information about the current processing status. The client can poll this status resource in regular intervals until the operation has been completed. Adding a Retry-After header can reduce unnecessary requests.

    Additionally the server can support callback URLs to inform the client after the request has been processed.


  • Tuesday, 29 September, 2020

    REST: Deleting resources

    In RESTful APIs resources are typically deleted using the HTTP DELETE method. The resource that should be deleted is identified by the request URI. DELETE is an idempotent HTTP operation. Sending the same DELETE request multiple times should only alter the server state once.

    Deleting single resources

    Single REST resource are usually identified by URIs containing a unique identifier. For example, we can delete the artist resource located at /artists/123 by sending a DELETE request to this URI.


    DELETE /artists/123


    HTTP/1.1 204 (No content)

    The server can respond to delete requests with different HTTP status codes:

    • HTTP 200 (Ok) indicates a successful deletion with additional information. In this case, the response body can contain the deleted resource or some details about the deletion.
    • HTTP 204 (No content) is used to indicate a successful deletion with no additional information (response body is empty).
    • HTTP 202 (Accepted) is returned if the server accepted the request, but the deletion has not been completed. For example, the server might have queued the request to process it sometime in the future.

    If no resource exists at the given URI a HTTP 404 (Not found) status code should be returned.

    After a resource has been deleted, a GET request on the resource URI should return HTTP 404 (Not found) or HTTP 410 (Gone).

    Deleting resource collections

    The HTTP DELETE operation can also be used to remove all items from a resource collection. For example, we can delete all artist resources by sending a DELETE request to /artists.


    DELETE /artists 


    HTTP/1.1 200 (Ok)
        "total": 321

    In this example the server responds with HTTP 200 and a response body containing the total number of deleted resources.

    If you want you can combine the delete operation with query parameters to filter the collection. For example, this might delete all orders that have been fulfilled before 2015-01-01.

    DELETE /orders?fulfilled-before=2015-01-01

    While the deletion of all collection elements can be useful it is not common to support this operation. Before you provide this feature in your REST API, you should think twice if a client should really be able to delete an entire collection with a single request.

    Request body and the DELETE method

    Delete requests usually do not need a request body. However, in rare situations a delete operation might need some additional instructions beside filter parameters that should be transported as payload body.

    The HTTP RFC 7231 describes the usage of the payload body for the DELETE method like this:

     A payload within a DELETE request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a DELETE request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request

    On Stackoverflow you can find a lengthy discussion if the request body can and should be used for DELETE requests.

    In my opinion it should be avoided to use the request body for HTTP DELETE operations. It is generally unexpected and might produce hard to track issues with certain technologies. As a workaround a POST request to a separate resource can be used.


    Using the HTTP DELETE method we can delete resource within a REST API. When necessary the DELETE method can also be used to delete entire collections. Services usually should respond to delete operations with 200 (Ok), 202 (Accepted) or 204 (No content) response codes.